Senin, 16 Juni 2008

bekerja dari rumah

Sekarang banyak orang yang mempunyai pilihan untuk bekerja dari rumah,berikut ini ada beberapa di antaranya:

1.Customer services
Jika seseorang mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik,pasti bisa di bidang ini.kerjanya berinteraksi dengan klien dan bisa dilakukan lewat internet dan telepon.

2.Designer lepas
Jika anda mempunyai kemampuan designer yang baik tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba bekerja sebagai designer lepas.Kan keahlian anda bisa di bidang membikin website,animasi,or grafik.Semua itu bisa dilakukan dari rumah.

Salam sukses ^^

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Accountant to begin

Start a company and it is extremely time. There are many things to start a business if you need to consider. What kind of decision to set up business in addition to a business, marketing and business services to provide what you need to ensure that your company is following all the local, provincial, federal and economic law.

In addition to the business license, which almost all places on behalf of the United States, must be new business. Files, many business tax forms. If the sale of your business license is required to file an outlet for the tax. Depending on the location of your company, if necessary, file for an outlet for tax license from your city, province and / or status. If the sale of services, state and city tax to services as necessary for your business and these forms are required.

Another reason is the need to submit your business is the federal tax code. This number is used, all of the customer business documents. It is not necessary. You may not be the case, you only for a person working in the company. However, if you're planning to make use of subcontractors and employees, you need a tax identification number of federal employees and contractors for payment KUDASAI. This is required by the federal government to be paid in wages, IRS tax collection.

Some cities are required to pay personal and corporate taxes in addition to the local situation and the federal income tax. Whether you are your own business, this form of tax must pay the filing requirements for a particular location. Many companies to quarterly, required by law to federal income tax. If you have a small or home-based business, they are required quarterly payment of the tax law, taxes until the end you can prevent OBUZAIYA. If you do not know whether your company quarter of the tax burden should be, these contacts, professional accountants, and other questions to answer. We need a business quarter of the tax burden, and if necessary to obtain the form, before you start your business, IRS tax from your company. The forms are familiar with the process and the organisation of the customer of the company after the smooth start-up.

There are also many companies to consider when to start. Make sure you have the following to your business all applicable laws in the business of the company. Some sectors and businesses, additional licenses needed. Other companies need to provide additional insurance. Workman's compensation insurance is required by the federal and state legislation, if the majority of the workers. Some countries require a company to carry liability insurance law suit to reduce Meanwhile, other states this type of business insurance is optional.

To know the legal requirements to ensure that the project activities to start before the actual work. In this way appear to comply with all local, provincial and federal legislation business, you significantly reduce the risk a company, as well as the possibility of your company cut before closing out the ever really started.

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Affiliate Marketing And Home Business

Affiliate Marketing And Home Business

Many of us dream of being our own bosses. The lure of big money and flexible work hours is quite attractive. However, many are afraid to venture out on their own. They fear that they do not have the capital required to get a business started or they don’t want to loose the security of their day job.

The solution could be starting a home business. The truth of the matter is that you can start your home business with no money at all. Ask yourself this, do you have a spare room or space in your house. Do you have a computer with an internet connection? Do you have a phone line? If you have these three things you have the essentials of an office from which your home business can be made.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way for you to get started in your home business. Affiliate marketing will provide you with the opportunity to sell either a product or a service. With low capital and little space you may want to concentrate on services.

Once you have made the decision, you need to evaluate your skills. What services can you offer and what skills can you bring. Many people start of with affiliate marketing programs from major search engines. If you’re good at website design, you could register your page with someone such as yahoo publisher. This way your site will get traffic with the help of the search engine Yahoo. If yours is a sales website (, your traffic could translate into increased sales. The more exposure to your site the better.

The other thing you can try to do is attract traffic to other sites. Retail sites such as Amazon and EBay have affiliate marketing programs. If you can generate traffic and increase sales then you make money. Both programs offer ways to increase revenues through links and blogs. These are usually free and worth using. Remember, the more you make the more they make.

Finally, your site can make money in another way. When it is posted on sites such as yahoo publisher or Google ad sense, there will be ads placed. Whenever a visitor clicks on an ad you make money. The more clicks the more cash. The operators take care of all the advertising costs and placement. They also try to place appropriate ads to your page. If you’re selling rare books ads for fish food are not likely going to get clicked.

If you want to start working for yourself but feel you don’t have the money then you’re wrong. If you have a computer and space to put it then you have all you need. You can also start you home business and work it around your job. You can gradually commit more time as your home business grows.

If you’re tired of your job and really want to work for yourself then stop making excuses and do it. Though affiliate marketing programs and selling services you will find that having your home business is easier than you think. All it takes is time and a commitment to succeed. By taking advanantage of the affiliate marketing programs that are currently available, you can make money and improve your own marketing skills. Remember, you can always expand into other areas and venture out totally on your own later. Right now, get marketing and get clicking.

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Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

Sebelum kamu mengeluh

kemaren buka email,ketemu kata2 ini di milis dari yahoogroups yg saya ikuti.Kata-katanya meyentuh hati.Kata-katanya seperti ini:

Hari ini sebelum kamu mengatakan kata-kata yang tidak baik,

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak dapat berbicara sama sekali

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang rasa dari makananmu...

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

Hari ini Sebelum anda mengeluh tidak punya apa-apa...

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meminta-minta dijalanan.

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh bahwa kamu buruk...

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang berada pada tingkat yang terburuk didalam hidupnya.

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang suami atau istrimu...

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang memohon kepada Tuhan untuk diberikan teman hidup...

Hari ini sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang hidupmu...

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang meninggal terlalu cepat

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang anak-anakmu.

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang sangat ingin mempunyai anak tetapi dirinya tidak bisa

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang rumahmu yang kotor karena pembantumu tidak mengerjakan tugasnya,

Pikirkan tentang orang-orang yang tinggal dijalanan dan tidak punya rumah

Hari ini Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang jauhnya kamu telah berkendara..

Pikirkan tentang seseorang yang menempuh jarak yang sama dengan berjalan kaki

Dan disaat kamu lelah dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaanmu. ..

Pikirkan tentang pengangguran, orang-orang cacat yang berharap mereka mempunyai pekerjaan seperti anda...

Hari ini Sebelum kamu menunjukkan jari dan menyalahkan orang lain,

ingatlah bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang tidak berdosa,

Kita semua menjawab kepada Tuhan...

Dan ketika kamu sedang bersedih dan hidupmu dalam kesusahan,

Tersenyum dan mengucap syukurlah kepada Tuhan bahwa kamu masih hidup

Life is a gift...

Live it...

Enjoy it...

Celebrate it...

And fulfill it!

Salam sukses ^^

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Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Jangan Takut Gagal

Gagal merupakan kata yang ditakuti banyak orang sebelum sukses,termasuk saya dulunya.Memang pertama kali gagal itu menyakitkan,tapi dari sana kita bisa belajar dan memperbaiki kesalahan yang membuat kita gagal.Yang penting kita menerima kegagalan itu dengan nyata walau berat.Inilah kunci kita untuk sukses.Dengan mengalami kegagalan ,kita menjadi tahu kelemahan diri kita.Kita menjadi lebih banyak pengalaman dalam menghadapi suatu masalah supaya tidak gagal lagi.Yang penting kita berusaha lagi bangkit dari kegagalan yang kita alami,tentu saja harus dengan tekad yang kuat.Dengan begitu kita akan semakin maju selangkah demi selangkah menuju sukses.Semangat ^^

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Rabu, 16 April 2008


Life is a book

everyday has a new page

with adventures to tell

lessons to learn


tales on good dedds to remember

have a good episode today ^^

Semangat dan sukses ^^

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Nice quote 2

ketika sedang santai dikit dari kesibukan kerja,saya berselancar di internet,setelah googling ketemu kalimat yang bagus seperti di bawah ini.yang intinya Tuhan akan memberikan jawaban atas setiap doa dan harapan kita ^^.Bener ngak y?

may God give u a rainbow for every storm

a smile for everytear

a blessing for each trial

a sweet song for every sigh

an answer for every prayer

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quote 1

“There is a comfort in the strength of love: ‘Twill make a thing endurable, which else would overset the brain, or break the heart. – Ada kedamaian dalam kekuatan cinta: ‘Mereka (cinta) akan menjadikan sesuatu berjalan dengan baik, dimana yang lain dapat menyebabkan pusing atau patah hati.”
~ William Wordsworth

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Jumat, 11 April 2008

3 Hal Penting

3 hal penting yang harus ada
1. bakat

Karena tanpa salah satunya manusia tidak akan bisa berhasil di dunia ini.Kenapa?Yang namanya bakat dan kesempatan itu bukan hal yang begitu saja dapat diperoleh walau sangat mengharapkannya.Tetapi walaupun kita mempunyai keduanya pun belum tentu akan diakui orang lain.Dengan kemauan yang kuat kita bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita mau(tentu saja sesuai kemampuan kita).

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Rabu, 09 April 2008

Lima langkah supaya bahagia(5 steps to be happy)

Dapat dari teman nih

ingatlah lima aturan sederhana untuk menjadi bahagia (5 steps to be happy) :
1. Bebaskan hatimu dari rasa benci (free ur mind from hatred)
2. Bebaskan pikiranmu dari segala kekuatiran (free ur mind from anxiousness)
3. Hiduplah dengan sederhana (live simply)
4. Berikan lebih banyak (give more)
5. Jangan terlalu banyak mengharap (expect less)
di forward ke temen2 ya,biar semuanya bisa merasakan ^__^


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Kamis, 03 April 2008


renungi kehidupan manusia
apa yg mereka lakukan
darimana saja mereka
berhentilah sejenak untuk bertanya
bertanya mengapa?
ada orang berjalan
yang lain terbang
ada orang bergelimang harta benda
menjalani hidupdan jadwal hari2nya
jalan tak menanjak
juga tak menurun
tapi mengajak mereka berputar putar
harapan tinggal harapan
bagi yang setengah hati
bergerak maju
bagi yang berkeras hati
mengelak kematian
dan semua itu mati juga
sekali lagi
aku bertanya
bertanya mengapa?
ada yang berjalan
yang lain terbang

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Selasa, 01 April 2008

nice Quote2

God's working in more ways,than we ask Him.
He's doing more things 4 us
than our faith can imagine.
He make all things beautiful
including u.

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Senin, 31 Maret 2008


Ini didapat dari teman yang memberikan pas maen game online waktu itu,lewat ym,sekarang ntah di mana ya dia.Thx my friend ^^

Morning smile make the day better
That the best thing,we can do
To make life happier
Morning all ^^

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Minggu, 30 Maret 2008


Pagi-pagi bangun nerima SMS dari teman,isinya bagus dan memang benar,Hidup adalah sebuah buku yang setiap hari mempunyai lembaran baru dengan petualangan untuk diceritakan.

ini isinya semoga berguna bagi anda yang butuh motivasi :)
Life is a book
everyday has a new page
with adventures to tell
lessons to learn
and tales on good deeds to remember
Have a good episode today ^^

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Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

Keripik Balado

Keripik balado merupakan makanan kecil(cemilan) yang terbuat dari ubi kayu(singkong yang dipotong-potong tipis(ada yang bulat dan memanjang),lalu dilumuri oleh lado (cabai/lada yang telah diramu/dicampur dengan bumbu rahasia masing-masing penjualnya.Nah,kalau anda mengunjungi Sumatera barat jangan lupa membawa keripik balado sebagai oleh-oleh bagi keluarga atau teman anda ^^.


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hari ini saya melangkah selangkah ke depan lagi dengan dorongan seseorang yang perhatian ke saya :).Thank you ^^.Maka saya akan mencoba membagi sedikit ilmu yang saya punya.terima kasih malaikatku ^^

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Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

sms chinese new year

kionghi kionghi
qong xi fat choi,2559
wan se ru yi
from ivan & family

gong zhu da jia'
gong xi fa cai.
xin nian jin bu.
quo tai min an.
from chris & asri

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